Sunday, November 4, 2012

I have been meaning to update my blog for the last month, We just had team trials and I have been running around like a crazy person. I am going to send a blog about the results in the next couple days but I wanted to send out this one first. It is a quick overview on some of the cool things that were happening over at the training center over the last month.

We have some new Bobsled pushers in this year . We have 3 track and field athletes here. 1.Hyleas Fountain (Silver medalist from Beijing Olympics in the Heptatholon)  2. Tiana Madison ( 4th in London 100m, and a part of the GOLD MEDAL world record 4x100m relay in London) 3. Lolo Jones (everyone knows who she is)
It's pretty amazing to be literally training with the best in the WORLD. I watch them run (like a creeper) and I am AMAZED on their efficiency. It's beautiful to watch.  They are so fast!!
  There is another new bobsled recruit in, Aja,  she is a 5 time All American Shot Putter. She is a MONSTER. She won push champs, she cleaned 100 kilos like it was a toy, and squatted 130 kilos 3x's like she was just warming up. She's not the only one to do that either.  PRETTY IMPRESSIVE! These girls are monsters. USA Bobsled is going to KILL people at the start this year. 

I know that this post has mainly been about bobsled but thats ok, because now I am going to post a bunch of bobsled videos that are fun to watch! I have more but they all wouldn't upload!


Aja Broad Jumping 3.10 meters

Elana Squatting 130kilos (286lbs) 3x

Steve #1 Mens Bobsled Pusher (World Push Champion) @ Push Champs

Hyleas Sprinting 45 meters


                                                          Aja Pushing @ Push Champs

1 comment:

  1. Love reading your blogs ! i think about u and pray for you every day!
