Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Well that's NOT how I planned it!!


Now let me explain to you why that was a spoiler alert!

First let me start off by saying, training in Lake Placid was so much fun. I really felt like I was controlling where the sled went and I got the vibe of driving back a lot faster than the years before.
BUT in this sport things can change in an instant..Before I get to that.. Check out some of the beautiful views from the top of the Lake Placid track

You probably have heard me say.. This sport looks much more dangerous than it really is. I still stand by that point, BUT a small mistake can lead to a bad outcome.

Last week in training you might say I had a particularly bad crash. Some have actually labeled it the worst crash they have seen in the sport. this is my cue to take a  BOW!! THANK YOU THANK YOU. Let me replay what happened for you so you can really get the picture!!


How the Crash Happened-
I actually had a very good run going and before a big turn I tapped the right wall. When I did so it turned my sled upwards and I skid going in. I remember that and I remember being pissed.. then I remember....NOTHING

ha next thing I knew I was in strapped to a board and in an ambulance. ( I didn't tell my mom this part.. I just told her I bumped my head so I couldn't slide... sorry mom)

What Happened After the crash-
When I skid going into the curve the pressure sent my sled weirdly into the wall and I basically T-Boned the wall head on . When I hit the wall I lost consiouness and flew up in the air and flipped over my sled and landed on my right side. the sled came from behind me and hit me and I continued to slide face down on the ice knocked out "ice cold" ha . I slid for about 100m and I guess the track camera was on me until they realized I was not moving. I was "out" for about 1 minute and when the medic got to me she said I came to and was talking to her, and my coaches told me I was cracking jokes ( I do not remember any of this) They proceeded to backboard me and strap my head and stabilize my neck.
All the athletes in the start house told me it has never been so quiet in the start house. I think everyone thought I had died or broke my neck. They said once my coach came up and said I was talking and wiggling my toes everyone clapped and felt a million times better.

When I finally realized what was going on, I was in some medical room and put into an ambulance. Thinking back though, I do not think I got any sirens in the ambulance. Kinda sad about that... When I got to the ER I was still on the backboard and they would not let me get unstrapped until I had X-rays on my neck and a CT scan on my brain.  BUT I HAD TO PEE! so they put a bed pan under me and i freaked out under pressure. I just couldn't pee. It wasn't happening..just too weird!

The places on my body that hurt the most were my shoulder and neck. They found just a slight separation in my AC joint and my neck was clear. I got pretty good ice burn on my hands and shoulders , but thats about it.
My shoulder HURT SOOOO bad the first day, but I think it was because it took a lot of the impact. Each day it is better and better. Obviously they diagnosed me with a concussion , BUT i told them I really don't think I have one. My trainers at the OTC said I was the first person they have seen get knocked smooth out and have no signs of a concussion, but even so they would not let me slide in the races last week and I had to take a bunch of tests to get cleared from a concussion to slide. To make a long story even longer they said I was cleared on the 25th to slide in Park City and will be racing on the 28 and 29. I obviously lost the possibility of points from the first 2 races, so I will not be able to make an upper level circuit. It is a bummer, but thats life!
After I got back from the ER! I got some sweet scrubs!

Pretty sure I got knocked out because I hit my face here!

My sweet ice burn! with my swollen hands

Little ice burn but my hands swelled up a lot!

Its hard to tell but my left shoulder was pretty swollen 

the bruises started coming out later!

The only time I really got upset about this whole ordeal is when I went to look at my sled. I ended up bending my sled so bad I couldn't fix it, I also bent the runners on my sled, my shoes broke, and a part of my helmet fell off. That is about $6,000 worth of equipment. NOT GOOD! Since I bent my sled I didn't have a sled to use, but the coaches just so happened to have shipped a random 2003 sled to Park City and they said I could use that.(sleds are different from each other, the drive different, different models, and prices, it is kind of like a car)  I also had a 2006 pair of runners (that's really old). So I am just throwing together what I have and hoping for the best. I am blessed to even compete in trials, Life throws curve balls and this is definitley one but all I can do is MY best!
The front corner of my sled bent up with my runner 

My saddle bent up. 

the runner on the right is supposed to look like the one on the left.

Just the frame of my sled . That is supposed to be flat on the ground.

My "new" Old sled that I borrowed. I was able to use my own saddle (this is with no padding on it)

Monday, October 14, 2013

1st week in Lake Placid

I got here after a LONG day of travel on October 6th. It started with a 2:30 am drive to the Memphis airport . Then 3 flights to get to Albany at 1:30 followed by at 5 hour wait for a shuttle to pick me up from the Olympic Training Center and lastly a 2.5 hour drive from Albany to Lake Placid to arrive promptly at 9pm. THAT WAS A LONG DAY OF TRAVELING!! But I arrived alive and well nonetheless.

I arrived on the 6th because we were supposed to start sliding on the 9th, but due to warm weather conditions (around 70 degrees) the 9th turned into the 13th. So our first time to slide was Sunday October 13th.

What have I been doing you ask... I have tried to prepare as much as I can for sliding. I took out the padding and re taped my sled. We also walked down the track to see how the ice is. (a little weird when you can walk down a mile long shoot of ice in short sleeves) We also have been enjoying the extra time we have to prepare aka sunbathing!!! I decided I am just going to fill this blog with a lot of pictures to show you what I've been doing!


The inside of my sled!! no motor here.. Just some medal welded together!

View of the track from the start house! 

This curve is named "Shady" for a reason

this is the Not SO Straight  straight away. 

You can see how tall some of these curves are. 

of course we needed to get away and buy us some Pumpkin Spice Lattes

Feeling out this ice!! Changes everyday

Now we don't get much for free so when we do we get REALLY excited. TESA TAPE! This is the tape we use on our sleds because it sticks in all temperatures!

One of the "specials" that our cook Allen made. Salmon on top of veggie risotto. LEGIT

The LINE for the Salmon!!! Don't mind the guy in the foreground ha!

The first day of sliding! Sleds all ready to go!!

We also got to watch the USA Team trials for the bobsled team this weekend so here are some of the videos of their beast mode pushes.

This is Jaz driving and Lolo Jones Pushing. They took 3rd

This is Jamie Driving and Katie Pushing. They took 2nd

Elana and Aja (they are top 2 athletes) They took 1st

Steve Holcomb (gold medalist 2010) and Steve Langton Push (they took 1st)