Sunday, June 24, 2012

Oh my goodness My apologies for the delay on updating my blog. I have been meaning to update it and I will now insert the all too common excuse of "I've been super busy." Well don't think I forgot about you OR that I am not still training, because neither is true.

FIrst I will update you all on my training.!!!
 I have been training 5 days a week following the program written by the same coach as my last summer program. I lift and sprint on Mon-Wens-Fri and I do strides and core work Tues & Thurs.  As many of you " Old-Timers" know (I can say Old-Timers because I am including myself as one :) The hardest thing about training as we get older is that we just don't recover the same. I have been fighting a back problem since December but its gotten better the last month. I had to stop axial loaded squats (for me Back squats and Front squats) as well as Power Cleans and for any of you who know me KNOW that was tough for me because those are by far my favorite lifts in the gym.  But don't you worry I STILL GOT SWOLE! I had to switch to a lot of single leg work which I think is WAY harder, lots of heavy step-ups and lunges. BUT fortunately I was able to squat this last month so I am feeling good!   My sprinting program has consisted of short sprints up a hill the last couple months. I had a hill I sprinted on that was right next to Ole Miss but I went to run one day and it was destroyed my tractors and dirt.. Can't say I saw that coming. Now I run up a hill in my neighborhood, that works just as well, but my neighbors all think I am some crazy lady. But that's alright... I'll take that.  All in all I feel good about my training. Just working hard everyday trying to get ready for Team Trials in October. I have a combine in August and Push Championships in Late September. I can't wait !!
The Hill I run up in my neighborhood
Another view of the Hill

A few Steps into my sprint

Trying to get up that Hill!!!

RUN!!!!!!!!! This is probably when one of the many bees chase after me

In life outside of training. Paulie and I are still doing great. He's the Head Strength and Conditioning Coach at Ole Miss. The football team is in the 4th week of Summer training right now and he gets more and more excited everyday on the boys progress. I know they will turn the program around in the next few years!!!

I myself, left my last job as a personal trainer at a local gym and decided to pursue personal training elsewhere. I am now working with Rebel Body Fitness at Snap Fitness. I love it and the people are great. I get to run a Boot Camp called "Rebellion Bootcamp" here in Oxford starting the second week in  July. If you know anyone that is interested in Personal Training as well as Group Fitness in Oxford shoot them over my information and let's make it happen!!!!

Lastly PLEASE be praying for my Home State of Colorado. The wild fires are really bad there. I keep seeing pictures my friends have been posting that show these fires and it just break my heart people are losing their homes and lives from it.
This picture was taken by a friend in Colorado Springs of the wild fire on Sunday Afternoon

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE Update me with whats going on in your life! I really do love hearing back from people!