Thursday, November 17, 2011

Skeleton Boo Boo's

Some people think this sport is SUPER dangerous, but I beg to differ. Is it super safe? No, not at all,  ha, 
Yes we do get boo boo's every so often,  yes they can hurt a lot, and YES they are good stories after. So that is what I am deciding to share. These are some photos and video of bumps, bruises, and sometime more that my teammates and I have suffered.

This is Tyler, he actually did this 2 days ago. He flipped and obviously got ice burn but totally tore a bunch of his skin off his shoulder. That's not gunna feel good in the shower.

Austin did his first run on another track and, lets just say the track wasn't that excited to meet him.

                                     This is a video of Corinne and the pics below are the result

the next 3 pics are Corrine and she crashed in the Previous video. These pics do not do ANY justice to how bad she was bruised. She got some good ice burn on her legs

Corrine's Ice burn, but this was taken about 3 days after so it was MUCH worse

This was actually recieved during push Championships. He hit his ankle on the push track sled, and well Lets just say he did not come out victorious

These were his shoes he was wearing on the push track, they were all white, but hey red is a pretty good color for the shoes

This is a bruise/ ice burn I got from fliiping in the previous video.

Rachelle was pushing her sled and realized she left her runner guards on and tried to stop the sled and when she stopped it pulled her arm and dislocated her shoulder, this is her trying to pop her should back in. Shes a BEAST

I don't know why this grosses me out so much but these are Sams wrist and they look like I can see the depths of her soul from the holes.

 This is a painful load I had last year ..Lets just say I might have ruined my chances  for children in the future.

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